

Uzmanlık Tezi :  İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu (Tekrarlayan guatr hastalığı ve baskılayıcı hormon uygulamasının önemi. Ankara-1991)



1-      Arif Özdemir, Atila Korkmaz, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Nusret Aras. Piperacillin’in appendektomide tek doz proflaktik kullanımı. Karadeniz Tıp Dergisi 1989; 2: 146-149.

2-      Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Arif Özdemir, Atila Korkmaz, Nusret Aras. Enteral beslenme. Yeni Tıp Dergisi 1989; 6: 29-43.

3-      Cem Terzi, Mahir Özmen, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Mükerrem Cete, Nuri Aydın Kama. Primer omentum torsiyonu: ilginç bir akut abdomen nedeni. Turkish Journal of Gastroenterohepatology 1991; 2: 175-177.

4-      Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Salih Çetinkurşun, Sezer Kulaçoğlu, Mehmet Gökçe, Cahit Ertuna. Memede hidatid kist. Ankara Patoloji Bülteni 1993; 10: 55-56.

5-      Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Salih Çetinkurşun, Cahit Ertuna. Pilonidal sinus tedavisinde romboid flep transpozisyonu. Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi 1994; 10: 307-311.

6-      Hakan Kulaçoğlu. Total parenteral beslenme komplikasyonları ve tedavileri. Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri 1995; 15: 88-97.

7-      İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Erhan Reis, Hasan Yavuz, Nuri Aydın Kama. Alveoler hidatid hastalığı. Türkiye Klinikleri Gastroenterohepatoloji 1995; 6: 152-155.

8-      İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Levent Meriç, Salih Çetinkurşun, Cahit Ertuna. Epidural anestezi sonrasında üriner retansiyon sıklığı. Klinik ve Deneysel Cerrahi Dergisi 1995; 3: 170-174.

9-      Mustafa Şahin, Hasan Yavuz, Nuri A. Kama, Fatih Avşar, Hakan Kulaçoğlu. Monofilamen polipropilen mesh (Marlex) kullanılarak yapılan hernioplastilerde topikal antibiotik proflaksisinin enfeksiyon riski üzerine etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 1996; 12: 195-198.

10-  İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Nuri Aydın Kama, Ali Rıza Tümer, Burhan Eyüpoğlu, Hasan Yavuz. Hekimler laparoskopik cerrahiye nasıl bakıyorlar? Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology 1997; 8: 464-469.

11-  Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Mehmet Ungan, Mehmet Tümer, Cemile Ertan. Pilonidal sinüs: “jeep” hastalığı mı, “jean” hastalığı mı ? Türk Aile Hekimliği Dergisi 1998; 2: 65-67.

12-  M.Tahir Oruç, İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, H.Selim Hatipoğlu. İntestinal malign melanoma sekonder jejuno-jejunal invajinasyon. Vak’a Takdimi Dergisi 1998; 2: 53-55.

13-  İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, M.Tahir Oruç, M.Vasfi Özer. “Kolesistektomi sonrası rutin dren kullanımı gerekli midir?” konusu üzerine [editöre mektup] İnsizyon 1999; 2: 206-208.

14-  Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Tahir Oruç, Münevver Moran, Faruk Coşkun. Genel cerrahi pratiğinin hekimlerin özel yaşamları üzerindeki yansımaları. Toplum ve Hekim 1999; 14: 441-443.

15-  İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Faruk Coşkun. Kaynaklardaki yanlışlıklar nerelerden kaynaklanıyor? Ankara Cerrahi Dergisi 2000; 5: 254-259.

16-  Hakan Kulaçoğlu. Postoperative thyroxine prophylaxis: which dosage? how long? [Letter] Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 2000; 30: 93-94.

17-  Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Cenap Dener, Serhasan Bozoklu. Multinodüler guatr nedeniyle uygulanan bilateral subtotal tiroidektomilerden sonra hipofiz-tiroid ekseni ve nüks sorunu. İnsizyon 2000; 3: 61-65.

18-  İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, M.Mahir Özmen, Bahadır Külah, Banu Doğan-Gün, Nurten Renda, Can Çığırgan, Gülsüm Özet, Faruk Coşkun.  Effects of malnutrition and enteral feeding on healing of colonic anastomoses: “an experimental study”. Ankara Cerrahi Dergisi 2000; 2: 304-311.

19-  İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Arife Polat, Münevver Moran, Rıza Gök, Faruk Coşkun. İleri yaş grubunda elektif inguinal herni onarımı. Geriatri 2000; 3: 64-68.

20-  Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Tahir Oruç, Arife Polat Düzgün, Bahadır Külah, Selim Hatipoğlu, Faruk Coşkun. Cerrahlarımızın karşı karşıya kaldığı sorunlar. Karadeniz Tıp Dergisi 2000; 13: 34-39.

21-  Mehmet T. Oruç, İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Deniz Tezeren, Handan Doğan, Faruk Coşkun, Ömer Cengiz. Oral lactulose prevents bacterial translocation in obstructive jaundice in rats: an experimental study. Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology 2000; 11: 108-112.

22-  Nihal Z. Erdem, İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Mehtap Akcil-Temel, A.Çınar Yastı, Nuri Aydın Kama, Nalan Bozkurt.  Perioperative oral supplement with immunonutrients in gastrointestinal cancer patients. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 2001; 31: 79-86.

23-  Arife Polat Düzgün, İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Barış Saylam, Özgün Özçelik, M.Mahir Özmen, Faruk Coşkun. Laparoskopik kolesistektomi sonrası sıvı koleksiyonu. Endoskopik Laparoskopik & Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi Dergisi 2001; 8: 137-141.

24-  Tahir Oruç, Selim Hatipoğlu, Münevver Moran, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Faruk Coşkun. Morgagni hernia: an uncommon cause of intestinal obstruction in adult. Journal of Ankara Medical School 2001; 23: 255-257.    

25-   I.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, M.Tahir Oruç, Zihni kocaerkek, Selda Seçkin, Faruk Coşkun. Unusual locations of hydatid disease: an evaluation of 77 cases. Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology 2001;12:299-302.

26-  Arife Polat Düzgün, Bahadır Külah, Demet Albayrak, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Mahir Özmen , Nermin Göğüş, Faruk Coşkun. Laparoskopik kolesistektomide hemodinamik değişikliklerin noninvaziv kardiyak output monitörü ile izlenmesi. Endoskopik Laparoskopik & Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi Dergisi 2002; 9: 150-156. 

27-  Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Arife Polat Düzgün, Ömer Özozan, Bahadır Külah, M.Tahir Oruç, M.Mahir Özmen, Faruk Coşkun. Tiroidektomi dışı cerrahi öncesi tiroid fonksiyon testlerinin yeri. Ankara Cerrahi Dergisi 2003; 5: 138-145. 

28-  İsmail Gömceli, Mehmet Özdoğan, Ahmet Gürer, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Raci Aydın. Ramadan fasting increases the incidence of peptic ulcer perforation. Ankara Cerrahi Dergisi 2005; 7: 71-74. 

29-  Mehmet Özdoğan, Ahmet Gürer, Ali Kağan Gökakın, Eren Ersoy, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Raci Aydın. Yetişkinlerde akut apandisitin ayırıcı tanısında rutin rektal muayenenin yeri. Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi 2005; 21: 175-178.

30-  İsmail Gömceli, Mehmet Özdoğan, Ahmet Gürer, Selma Göğkuş, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Raci Aydın. Çoklu blast yaralanma nedeni ile sevk edilen 20 travma hastasının yönetiminde hastane organizasyonu. Ulusal Afet Dergisi 2006; 1:73-77.

31-  Ahmet Gürer, Mehmet Özdoğan, Eren Ersoy, Özgür Tosun, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Haldun Gündoğdu, Raci Aydın. Anorektal apselerin tanı ve tedavisinde manyetik rezonans görüntülemenin yeri. Yeditepe Tıp Dergisi 2007;2:19-21.

32-  Genç V, Ensari C, Şeker D, Kulaçoğlu H. Sentinal node biopsy in breast cancer [Letter]. Turkish Journal of Breast Health 2008; 4:2.

33-  Volkan Genç, Zafer Ergül, Engin Ölçücüoğlu, Bülent Akıncı, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, İrfan Şencan. Ankara’da Mayıs 2007’de meydana gelen bombalı saldırı sonrası olşan yaralanmaların çeşitleri ve patofizyolojisi: 45 çoklu yaralanma olgusu. Türkiye Acil Tıp Dergisi 2008;6-12.

34-  İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu. İntraperitoneal infeksiyonlarda geçici ve kalıcı karın kapama teknikleri. Hastane İnfeksiyonları Dergisi 2008;12:301-307.

35-  Melih Akıncı, Kerim Bora Yılmaz, Zafer Ergül, Duray Şeker, Bahadır Külah, Hakan Kulaçoğlu. Kadınlarda fıtık daha mı riskli? Ortadoğu Tıp Dergisi 2010;3:19-23

36-  Kerim Bora Yılmaz, Lütfi Doğan, Melih Akıncı, Niyazi Karaman, Cihangir Özaslan, Can Atalay, Hakan Kulaçoğlu. Retrosternal guatr olgularında tiroid kanseri. Acta Oncologica Turcica 2010;43:8-12.

37-  Akinci M, Yilmaz BK, Ugurlu C, Kulacoglu H. Tuba-ovarian inguinal herniation after radiological percutaneous treatment of inguinal lympocele; a case report and review of the literature. Marmara Medical Journal 2011;24:1-11.

38-  Oskay Kaya, Duray Şeker, Melih Akıncı, Hakan Kulaçoğlu. Hastane yatağından düşmeye bağlı yaralanmalar: iki ardışık olgunun sunumu. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine  2011 DOI: 10.4328/JCAM.628

39-  Kerim Bora Yılmaz, Melih Akıncı, Oskay Kaya, İdil Güneş Tatar, Gürkan Güneri, Hakan Kulaçoğlu. İnkarsere paraözefagial hiatal herni içinde mide perforasyonuna bağlı peritonit: olgu sunumu. Ortadoğu Tıp Dergisi 2011;3:149-151.

40-  Hakan Kulaçoğlu. Kasık fıtıklarının cerrahi tedavisinde adım-adım lokal anestezi tekniği “Teknik Not”. Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi 2012; 28: 164-168.




1-      Hakan I. Kulacoglu, Cenap Dener, Erdal Gocmen, Nuri A. Kama. Factors influencing mechanical complications of subclavian vein catheterization. Asian Journal of Surgery 1996; 19: 291-294. C Grubu Dergi

2-    K.S. Mainprize, H. Kulacoglu, J. Hewavisinthe, A. Savage, N. Mortensen, B.F. Warren. How many lymph nodes to stage colorectal carcinoma? [published erratum appears in Journal of Clinical Pathology 1999; 52:630]. J Clin Pathol 1998; 51: 165-166. [SCI] B Grubu Dergi

3-      Nuri A. Kama, Mustafa Sahin, Erdal Gocmen, Mehmet Bayrak, Hakan Kulacoglu, Arif Z. Akat. The results of surgical techniques in hepatic hydatisosis: drainage vs. without drainage. Journal of Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh 1998; 43: 254-256. [SCI] C Grubu Dergi

4-      Hakan Kulacoglu, Faruk Coskun. Violence towards doctor in Turkey [Letter] Hospital Medicine 2000; 61: 217. [SCI] (MedLine indekslemesinde “Kulasoglu H” olarak görülüyor.)

5-    Hakan Kulaçoglu, Cenap Dener, Ipek Zıraman, Nuri Aydın Kama. Thyroxine prophylaxis after bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy for multinodular goiter. Endocrine Journal 2000; 47: 349-352. [SCI] C Grubu Dergi

6-      I.Hakan Kulacoglu. Small bowel obstruction and incisional hernia after laparoscopic surgery: Should 5-mm trocar sites be sutured? [Letter] Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques 2000; 10: 227-228. [SCI]

7-      I.Hakan Kulaçoglu, M.Tahir Oruç, Bahadır Külah, Münevver Moran, Arife Düzgün-Polat, Banu Doğan-Gün, Turan Turhan, Nurten Renda, Faruk Coşkun. Safety of colonic anastomosis following portal triad occlusion. International Journal of Surgical Investigation 2000; 2: 259-266.

8-    I.Hakan Kulacoglu. Are the elemental diets beneficial or detrimental for colonic anastomoses? [Letter] European Surgical Research 2000; 32: 322. [SCI] C Grubu Dergi

9-       Hakan Kulacoglu, Bahadır Kulah, Selim Hatipoglu, Faruk Coskun. Incarcerated direct inguinal hernias: three-year experience of a large volume training hospital. Hernia 2000; 4: 145-157.

10-  Hakan I. Kulaçoğlu, M.Mahir Özmen, M.Tahir Oruç, Mahmut Koç, Nuri A. Kama. Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy: preference rate among surgeons in Ankara, Turkey. East African Medical Journal 2001; 78:51-54.

11-           Cenap Dener C, Hakan Kulacoglu. An unusual foreign body (needle) in the breast. Breast 2001;10: 262-263. [SCI] B Grubu Dergi

12-  Bahadır Kulah, Hakan Kulacoglu, Tahir Oruc, Arife Polat-Duzgun, Munevver Moran, Mahir Ozmen, Faruk Coskun. Presentation and outcome of incarcerated external hernias in adults. American Journal of Surgery 2001;181:101-104. [SCI] A Grubu Dergi

13-  Hakan Kulacoglu, Cenap Dener, Nuri A. Kama. Urinary retention after elective cholecystectomy. American Journal of Surgery 2001;182:226-229. [SCI] A Grubu Dergi

14-  Bahadır Kulah, Arife Polat-Duzgun, Munevver Moran, Hakan Kulacoglu, Mahir Ozmen, Faruk Coskun. Emergency hernia repairs in elderly patients. American Journal of Surgery 2001;182: 455-459. [SCI] A Grubu Dergi

15-  Mehmet Ungan, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Burçak Kayhan. Cure rates obtained with five different protocols in patients with duodenal ulcer: a prospective, open-label, randomized study in a primary care setting in Turkey. Current Therapeutic Research 2001;6: 462-472.  [SCI] C Grubu Dergi

16-  M.Tahir Oruç, I.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Selim Hatipoğlu, Bahadır Külah, M.Mahir Özmen, Faruk Coşkun. Primary hydatid cyst of the pancreas related to main pancreatic duct. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2002;49: 383-384. [SCI] C Grubu Dergi

17-  Wheeler JM, Warren BF, Mortensen NJ, Ekanyaka N, Kulacoglu H, Jonez AC, George BD, Kettlewell MG. Quantification of histologic regression of rectal cancer after irradiation: a proposal for a modified staging system. Disease of Colon and Rectum 2002;45:1051-1056. [SCI] A Grubu Dergi

18-  Duzgun AP, Senel E, Ozmen MM, Kulacoglu H, Isik Y, Coskun F. The evaluation of the patients admitted to a burn center in Turkey. Ulusal Travma Dergisi 2003; 9: 250-256. C Grubu Dergi

19-  Oruc MT, Kulah B, Ozozan O, Ozer V, Kulacoglu H, Turhan T, Coskun F. The value of 5-hydroxy indole acetic acid measurement in spot urine in diagnosis of acute appendicitis. East Afr Med J 2004; 81: 40-41. C Grubu Dergi

20-  Kulah B, Besler HT, Akdag M, Oruc T, Altınok G, Kulacoglu H, Ozmen MM, Coskun F. The effects of verapamil vs. allorurinol on intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2004; 51: 401-407. [SCI] C Grubu Dergi

21-  Mehmet Özdoğan, Eren Ersoy, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Devay AO, Gündoğdu H. A case report of primary retroperitoneal hydatid cyst [Letter] Turk J Gastroenterol 2004; 15: 204-205. C Grubu Dergi

22-  Kulacoglu H, Tumer H, Aktimur R, Kusdemir A. Epiploic appendicitis in inguinal hernia sac presenting an inguinal mass. Hernia 2005; 9:288-290.

23-  Kulacoglu H, Kocaerkek Z, Moran M, Kulah B, Atay C, Kulacoglu S, Ozmen M, Coskun F. Diagnostic value of blood D-dimer level in acute mesenteric ischaemia in the rat: an experimental study. Asian J Surg 2005; 28:131-135. C Grubu Dergi

24-  Gurer A, Ozdogan M, Ozlem N, Yildirim A, Kulacoglu H, Aydin R. Uncommon content in groin hernia site. Hernia 2006; 10:152-155.

25-  Kulacoglu H, Dener C, Tumer H, Aktimur R. Total subcutaneous fistulectomy combined with Karydakis flap for sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease with secondary perianal opening. Colorectal Disease 2006; 8:120-123. C Grubu Dergi

26-  Kulacoglu H, Tumer H, Aktimur R, Kusdemir A. Internal herniation with fatal outcome: herniation through an unusual apertura between epiploic appendices and greater omentum. Acta Chir Belg 2006;106: 109-111. C Grubu Dergi

27-  Ozdogan M, Devay AO, Gurer A, Ersoy E, Devay SD, Kulacoglu H, Gundogdu H. Plasma total anti-oxidant capacity correlates inversely with the extent of acute appendicitis: a case control study. World J Emerg Surg 2006; 24:1-6.

28-  Ozdogan M, Yildiz F, Gurer A, Orhun S, Kulacoglu H, Aydin R. Changes in collagen and elastic fiber contents of the skin, rectus sheath, transversalis fascia and peritoneum in primary inguinal hernia patients. Bratisl Lek Listy 2006; 107: 235-238.

29-  Ozdogan M, Gurer A, Gokakin AK, Kulacoglu H, Aydin R. Thrombolysis via an Operatively Placed Mesenteric Catheter for Portal and Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis: report of a case. Surg Today 2006; 36: 846-848. [SCI] C Grubu Dergi

30-  Gurer A, Ozdogan M, Gomceli I, Demirag A, Gulbahar O, Arikok T, Kulacoglu H, Dundar K, Ozlem N. Hyperbaric oxygenation attenuates renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. Transplant Proc 2006; 38:3337-3340. C Grubu Dergi

31-  Ersoy E, Ozdogan M, Demirag A, Aktimur R, Kulacoglu H, Kulacoglu S, Gundogdu H. Giant adrenal myelolipoma associated with small bowel leiomyosarcoma: a case report. Turk J Gastroenterol 2006;17:126-129. C Grubu Dergi

32-  Serbetci K, Kulacoglu H, Devay AO, Hasirci N. Effects of resterilization on mechanical properties of polypropylene meshes. American Journal of Surgery 2007; 194:375-379.  [SCI] A Grubu Dergi

33-  Gurer A, Ozlem N, Gokakin AK, Ozdogam M, Kulacoglu H, Aydin R. A Novel Material in Seton Treatment of Fistula-in-ano. American Journal of Surgery 2007; 193:794-796.  [SCI] A Grubu Dergi

34-   Kulacoglu H, Ozdogan M, Gurer A, Ersoy EP, Onder Devay A, Duygulu Devay S, Gulbahar O, Gogkus S.  Prospective comparison of local, spinal, and general types of anaesthesia regarding oxidative stress following Lichtenstein hernia repair. Bratisl Lek Listy 2007;108:335-339.

35-  Ozyaylali I, Ersoy E, Yazicioglu D, Ozdogan M, Oruc T, Kulacoglu H.  Founding the first hernia center in Turkey. Hernia 2008;12:117-120.

36-  Kulacoglu H. Choosing the correct side for Karydakis flap. Colorectal Dis 2008;10:949-50. [SCI] C Grubu Dergi

37-  Gündogdu H, Ersoy E, Aktimur R, Kulacoglu H, Ozdogan M, Ozturk V, Acar T. Evaluation of nutritional risk on admission to the general surgery department. Bratisl Lek Listy 2008 109;57-60.

38-  Kulacoglu H.  Letter to the Editor concerning article by Morris-Stiff G, Hassn A (2008) Hernioscopy: a useful technique for the evaluation of incarcerated hernias that retract under anaesthesia. Hernia 2008;12:559-560.

39-   Kulacoglu H, Ozyaylali I, Yazicioglu D. Concerning: “Day hospital for incisional hernia repair: selection criteria”–Donati M. et al. Acta Chir Belg. 2008, 108 : 198-202. Acta Chir Belg 2008;108:484-485. [SCI] C Grubu Dergi

40-  Ersoy E, Ozdogan M, Kulacoglu H, Gundogdu H. Retained foreign body in the axillary region. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2008;14:217-219.  

41-  Gurer A, Ozdogan M, Gokakın AK, Gomceli I, Gulbahar O, Arikok AT, Kulacoglu H, Aydın R. Tissue oxidative stress level and remote organ injury in two-hit trauma model of sequential burn injury and peritoneal sepsis are attenuated with N-acetylcstein treatment in rats. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2009,15:1-6. [SCI]

42-  Karahan MA, Kulacoglu H, Seker D, Ergul Z, Kiziltay A, Yilmazer D, Captug O, Yavuz A, Serbetci K, Bilgili H, Hasirci N. How safe is the use of prosthetic materials in the repair of abdominal-wall defects in malnourished subjects? Cent Eur J Med 2009;4:331-6. [SCI]

43-  Ergul Z, Kulacoglu H. Simultaneous repair of bilateral femoral hernias complicated with rectus sheath hematoma. Turk J Gastroenterol 2009;20:77-8. C Grubu Dergi

44-  Akinci M, Cetin B, Aslan S, Kulacoglu H. Factors affecting seroma formation after mastectomy with full axillary dissection. Acta Chir Belg 2009;109:481-3. C Grubu Dergi

45-  Kulacoglu H, Ozyaylali I, Yazicioglu D. Factors determining the doses of local anesthetic agents in unilateral inguinal hernia repair. Hernia 2009;13:511-6.

46-  Kizilkanat KT, Olcucuoglu E, Kulacoglu H. Use of haemostatic matrix in management of rectus hematoma in an anticoagulated patient: a case report. Cases J 2009 Jul 7;2:6353.

47-  Genc V, Ensari C, Kulacoglu H, Ersoy E, Ergul Z. A questionnaire study on the surgeons’ preferences for inguinal hernia repair after a decade. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2009;19:744-6.

48-  Ergul Z, Ersoy E, Kulacoglu H, Olcucuoglu E, Devay AO, Gundogdu H. A simple modified technique for repair of umbilical hernia in patients undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy: report of 10 cases. G Chir 2009;30:437-9.

49-  Akinci M, Yigitbasi O, Ergul Z, Olcucuoglu E, Kulacoglu H. Primary hydatid cyst of the round ligament: case report. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2010;16:710-12 

50-  Akinci M, Kulah B, Ergul Z, Yilmaz BK, Kulacoglu H. Risk factors related with unfavorable outcomes in groin hernia repairs. Hernia 2010;14:489-93. [SCI-E]

51-  Yavuz A, Kulacoglu H, Olcucuoglu E, Hucumenoglu S, Ensari C, Ergul Z, Evirgen O. The faith of ilioinguinal nerve after preserving, cutting, or ligating it: an experimental study of mesh placement on inguinal floor. J Surg Res 2010 Aug 6.  [SCI]

52-   Genç V, Ensari C, Ergul Z, Kulacoglu H. A very late-onset deep infection after prosthetic inguinal hernia repair. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2010;105:555-7.

53-  Yilmaz BK, Akinci M, Dogan L, Yologlu Z, Atalay C, Kulacoglu H. Central venous catheter-associated thrombosis in the perioperative period: a frequent complication in cancer patients that can be detected early with Doppler examination. Tumori 2010;96:690-4. [SCI]

54-  Heybeli T, Kulacoglu H, Genc V, Ergul Z, Ensari C, Kiziltay A, Yilmazer D, Serbetci K, Hasirci N. Basic fibroblast growth factor loaded polypropylene meshes in repair of abdominal wall defects in rats. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2010;105:809-16.

55-  Seker D, Ugurlu C, Ergul Z, Akıncı M, Olcucuoglu E, Kulacoglu H. Single dose prophylactic antibiotics may not be sufficient in elective pilonidal sinus surgery: an early stopped randomized study. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 2011;21:186-90.  [SCI-E]

56-  Sen T, Ugurlu C, Kulacoglu H, Elhan A. Falx inguinalis: a forgotten structure. ANZ J Surg 2011;81:112-3. [SCI] B Grubu Dergi

57-  Ergül Z, Olcucuoglu E, Kulacoglu HI, Dener C. Recurrent incisional hernia due to pseudomyxoma peritonei. Case Reports in Medicine  2011;2011:853906.

58-  Ergul Z, Kulacoglu H. How can we know if Karydakis flap is a good solution for sacroccygeal pilonidal disease with laterally extended orifices? [Letter] Am J Surg 2011 Aug 2. [SCI] A Grubu Dergi

59-  Kulacoglu H, Oztuna D. Growth and trends in publications about abdominal wall hernias and the impact of a specific journal on herniology: a bibliometric analysis. Hernia 2011;15:615-28 [SCI-E]

60-  Yilmaz KB, Dogan L, Nalbant H, Akinci M, Karaman N, Ozaslan C, Kulacoglu H. Comparing scalpel, electrocautery and ultrasonic dissector effects: the impact on wound complications and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in wound fluid from mastectomy patients. J Breast Cancer 2011;14:58-63. [SCI-E]

61-  Kulacoglu H, Ozyaylali I, Kunduracioglu B, Yazicioglu D, Ersoy E, Ugurlu C. The value of anterior inguinal exploration with local anesthesia for beter diagnosis of chronic groin pain in soccer players. Clin J Sport Med 2011;21:456-9.

62-  Ergul Z, Akinci M, Ugurlu C, Kulacoglu H, Yilmaz KB. Prophylactic antibiotic use in elective inguinal hernioplasty in a trauma center. Hernia 2011;16:145-51. [SCI-E]

63-  Olcucuoglu E, Kulacoglu H, Ensari CO, Yavuz A, Albayrak A, Ergul Z, Evirgen O. Fibrin sealant effects on the ilioinguinal nerve. J Invest Surg 2011;24(6):267-72. [SCI-E]

64-  Ergul Z, Kulacoglu H, Sen T, Esmer AF, Güller M, Güneri G, Elhan A. A short postgraduate anatomy course may improve the junior surgical residents’ anatomy knowledge for the nerves of the inguinal region. Chirurgia 2011;106:599-603. [SCI-E]

65-  Ergul Z, Akinci M, Yilmaz KB, Sahin A, Seker G, Kulacoglu H. Why do we use drains in some inguinal hernia repairs? Chirurgia 2011;106: 106:769-774.

66-  Kulacoglu H, Yazicioglu D, Ozyaylali I. Prosthetic repair of umbilical hernias in adults with local anesthesia in day-case setting: a comprehensive report from a specialized hernia center. Hernia Hernia 1012;16:163-70. [SCI-E]

67-  Kulacoglu H, Ergul Z, Esmer AF, Sen T, Akkaya T, Elhan A. Percutaneous ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric nevre block or step-by-step local infiltration anesthesia for inguinal hernia repair: what cadaveric dissection says? Journal of The Korean Surgical Society  2011;81(6):408-13.

68-  Ergül Z, Akinci M, Yilmaz KB, Sahin A, Seker G, Kulaçoğlu H. Why do we use drains in some inguinal hernia repairs? Chirurgia (Bucur) 2011;106(6):769-774. [SCI-E]

69-  Kulacoglu H, Ozyaylali I, Kunduracioglu B, Yazicioglu D, Ersoy E, Ugurlu C. The value of anterior inguinal exploration with local anesthesia for better diagnosis of chronic groin pain in soccer players. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 2011;21:456-9.

70-  Kulacoglu H. Alptekin A. Current options in local anesthesia for groin hernia repairs. Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica 2011;58:25-33.

71-  Seker D, Kulacoglu H. Long-term complications of mesh repairs for abdominal-wall hernias. J Long Term Eff Med Implants. 2011;21:205-18.

72-  Kulacoglu H, Ugurlu C, Ozyayali I, Ergul Z, Seker G. Modified patch repair of femoral hernia after inguinal herniorrhaphy. G Chir 2012;33:114-8.

73-  Kaya O, Olcucuoglu E, Seker G, Kulacoglu H. Instant abdominal wall reconstruction with biologic mesh following resection of locally advanced colonic cancer. Case Report Med 2012;2012:959342.

74-  Akinci M, Ergul Z, Kaya O, Kulah B, Kulacoglu H. Predictors for duration of hospital stay after abdominal wall hernia repairs. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2012;107:47-51. [SCI-E]

75-  Seker G, Kulacoglu H. The acceptance rate of local anaesthesia for elective inguinal hernia repair among the surgeons working in a teaching hospital. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2012;22:126-7.

76-  Ozyaylali I, Yazicioglu D, Kulacoglu H. Outpatient simultaneous repair of ventral and groin hernias in local anesthesia: case report. Acta Clin Croat 2012 Mar;51(1):103-5.

77-  Seker D, Seker G, Ozturk E, Bayar B, Kulacoglu H. An incidentally detected breast cancer on tc-99m MIBI cardiac scintigraphy. J Breast Cancer 2012;15(2):252-4.

78-  Kaya O, Hoca O, Kulacoglu H. Knowledge and awareness of auxiliary health personnel about colorectal cancer Turk J Gastroenterol doi:10.4318/ tjg.0631 C Grubu Dergi

79-  Yılmaz KB, Akıncı M, Kaya, O, Kulacoglu H. Emergency surgery due to go-kart injuries: report of two consecutive cases. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2012,18:458-60. [SCI]

80-  Kulacoglu H, Sen T, Ozyaylali I, Elhan A. A very nervous inguinal region: report of a case. Acta Chir Belg (in press) [SCI-E]



Atıf alan yayınlar


Aralık 2008 itibarıyla: Toplam 18 yayına 145 atıf”



D.1- SCI kapsamındaki dergilerde yayınlanmış yazıların, SCI kapsamındaki dergilerdeki yayınlardan aldığı atıflar:

Toplam 11 yayına toplam 102  atıf

 C.2- K.S. Mainprize, H. Kulaçoglu, J. Hewavisinthe, A. Savage, N. Mortensen, B.F. Warren. How many lymph nodes to stage colorectal carcinoma? [published erratum appears in Journal of Clinical Pathology 1999; 52:630]. J Clin Pathol 1998; 51: 165-166.

Atıf sayısı: 19

  1. Bernick PE. Staging: What makes sense? Can the pathologist help? Surgical Clinics of North America 2000; 9: 703-720.
  2. Wiese DA. Pathologic evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes in colorectal carcinoma. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2000; 124: 1759-1763.
  3. Cserni G. Distance of lymph nodes from the tumor: an important feature in colorectal cancer specimens. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2001; 125: 246-249.   
  4. Newell KJ. GEWF solution: an inexpensive, simple, and effective aid for the retrieval of lymph nodes from colorectal cancer resections. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2001; 125: 642-645.
  5. Fleming KA. Evidence-based cellular pathology. Lancet 2002; 359: 1149-1150.
  6. Cserni G. Is there a minimum number of lymph nodea that should be histologically assessed for a reliable nodal staging of T3N0M0 colorectal carcinomas. Journal of Surgical Oncology 2002; 81; 63-69.
  7. Lin KM. The sentinel node in colorectal carcinoma: mapping technique, pathologic assessment, and clinical relevance. Oncology -New York 2002; 16; 567-576.
  8. Nagtegaal ID. The role of pathologists in the quality control of diagnosis and treatment of rectal cancer- an oveview. European Journal of Cancer 2002; 38: 964-972.
  9. Elsaleh H. Extent of nodal involvement in stage III colorectal carcinoma- Relationships to clinicopathologic variables and genetic alterations. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 2002; 45: 1218-1222.
  10. Cserni G. The influence of nodal size on the staging of colorectal carcinomas. Journal of Clinical Pathology 2002; 55: 386-390.
  11. Feezor RJ. Significance of micrometastases in colorectal cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology 2002; 9; 944-953.
  12. Cserni G. Nodal staging of colorectal carcinoma and sentinel nodes. Journal of Clinical Pathology 2003; 56: 327-335.
  13. Mulsow J. Sentinel lymph node mapping in colorectal cancer. British Journal of Surgery 2003; 90: 659-667.
  14. Leibl S. How many lymph nodes are necessary to stage early and advanced adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon and upper rectum? Virchows Archiv 2003; 443: 133-138.
  15. Benevento A. The mesenteric and antimesenteric location of colorectal cancer: the relationship with lymph nodes metastases. Surgeon – Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Ireland 2004; 2: 214-220.
  16. Tuech JJ. Sentinel lymph node mapping in colon cancer. Surgical Endoscopy and other Interventional Techniques 2004; 18: 1721-1729.
  17. Braat AE. Lymphatic staging in colorectal cancer: pathologic, molecular, and sentinel node techniques. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 2005; 48: 371-383.
  18. Yoshimatsu K. How many lymph nodes should be examined in Dukes’ B colorectal cancer? Determination no the basis of cumulative survival. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2005; 52: 1703-1706.
  19. Haslam AC. A Dukes/Jass combination – is it more discriminating? Colorectal Disease 2006; 8: 418-422.

 C.3- Nuri A. Kama, Mustafa Sahin, Erdal Gocmen, Mehmet Bayrak, Hakan Kulacoglu, Arif Z. Akat. The results of surgical techniques in hepatic hydatisosis: drainage vs. without drainage. Journal of Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh 1998; 43: 254-256.

Atıf sayısı: 6

  1. Atli M. Intrabiliary rupture of a hepatic hydatid cyst – associated clinical factors and proper management. Archives of Surgery 2001; 136: 1249-1255.
  2. Chautems R. Long term results after complete or incomplete resection of liver hydatid disease. Swiss Medical Weekly 2003; 133: 258-262.
  3. Losanoff JE. Organ-sparing surgical treatment of giant hepatic hydatid cysts. American Journal of Surgery 2004; 187: 288-290.
  4. Sahin M. RF-assisted cystectomy and pericystectomy: a new technique in the treatment of liver hydatid disease. European Surgical Research 2006; 38: 90-93.
  5. Shaw JM. Hydatid disease of the liver. South African Journal of Surgery 2006;44:70-+
  6. Beyrouti MI. Hydatid cysts of the Spigelian lobe of the liver: clinical and therapeutic particularities. Presse Medicale 2007;36:1732-1737.

 C.5- Hakan Kulaçoglu, Cenap Dener, Ipek Zıraman, Nuri Aydın Kama. Thyroxine prophylaxis after bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy for multinodular goiter. Endocrine Journal 2000; 47: 349-352.

Atıf sayısı: 1

  1. Carella C. Iidozed salt improves the effectiveness of L-tyroxine therapy after surgery for nontoxic goitre: a prospective and randomized study. Clinical Endocrinology 2002; 57: 507-513.

 C.6- I. Hakan Kulacoglu. Small bowel obstruction and incisional hernia after laparoscopic surgery: Should 5-mm trocar sites be sutured? [Letter] Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques 2000; 10: 227-8.

Atıf sayısı: 4

  1. Becmeur F. Laparoscopy and small bowel obstruction in children. Saudi Medical Journal 2003; 24: 15-17.
  2. Tonouchi H. Trocar site hernia. Archives of Surgery 2004;139:1248-1256.
  3. Shaher Z. Port closure techniques. Surgical Endoscopy and other Interventional Techniques   2007;21: 1264-1274.
  4. Marescaux J. SID=X1Dj@iCcamKhK4E5pak&page=1&;doc=1″>Is natural orifice transluminal endoscopic cholecystectomy as safe as laparoscopic cholecystectomy? Reply. Archives of Surgery 2008;143:604-605.

 C.12- Bahadır Kulah, Hakan Kulacoglu, Tahir Oruc, Arife Polat-Duzgun, Munevver Moran, Mahir Ozmen, Faruk Coskun. Presentation and outcome of incarcerated external hernias in adults. American Journal of Surgery 2001;181:101-104.

Atıf sayısı: 12

  1. Schumacher OP. Long-term results after Spitıy’s umblical hernia repair. Chirurg 2003; 74: 50-54.
  2. Zieren J. Inguinal hernia: obligatory indication for elective surgery? A prospective assesment of quality of life before and after plug and patch inguinal hernia. Langenbecks Archives of Surgery 2003; 387: 417-420.
  3. Kurt N. Risk and outcome of bowel resection in patients with incarcerated groin hernias. World Journal of Surgery 2003; 27: 741-743.
  4. Dunne JR. Abdominal wall hernias: risk factors for infection and resource utilization. Journal of Surgical Research 2003; 111: 78-84.
  5. Perez JAA. Emergency hernia repairs in elderly patients. International Surgery 2003; 88: 231-237.
  6. Holzheimer RG. Inguinal hernia: Classification, diagnosis and treatment classic, traumatic and sportsmans’s hernia. European Journal of Medical Research 2005; 10: 121-134.
  7. Rebuffat C. Laparoscopic repair of strangulated hernias. Surgical Endoscopy and other Interventional Techniques 2006; 20: 131-134.
  8. Ertan T. Recovery of sexual function after scrotal hernia repair. American Journal of Surgery 2007;194:299-303.
  9. Wysocki A. Is the Lichtenstein operation of strangulated groin hernia a safe procedure? World Journal of Surgery 2006;30:2065-2070.
  10. Mathonnet M. Indications for inguinal hernia repair. Journal de Chirurgie 2007;144(Suppl.4):S11-S14.
  11. Ozdemir O. SID=X1Dj@iCcamKhK4E5pak&page=1&;doc=2″>Acute spontaneous spinal subdural hematoma in a patient with bilateral incarcerated inguinal hernia. Joint Bone Spine 2008;75:345-347.
  12. Rodriguez-Hermosa JI. SID=X1Dj@iCcamKhK4E5pak&page=1&;doc=1″>Incarcerated umbilical hernia in a super-super-obese patient. Obesity Surgery 2008;18:893-895.


C13- Hakan Kulacoglu, Cenap Dener, Nuri A. Kama. Urinary retention after elective cholecystectomy. American Journal of Surgery 2001;182:226-229.

Atıf sayısı:2

  1. Mariette C. Perioperative care in digestive surgery. Guidelines of the French Society of Digestive Surgery (SFCD). Annales de Chirurgie 2005; 130: 108-124. 
  2. Mariette C. Perioperative care in digestive surgery. Journal de Chirurgie 2005; 142: 14-28.


 C14- Bahadır Kulah, Arife Polat-Duzgun, Munevver Moran, Hakan Kulacoglu, Mahir Ozmen, Faruk Coskun. Emergency hernia repairs in elderly patients. American Journal of Surgery 2001;182: 455-459.

Atıf sayısı: 12

  1. Gianom D. Trusses in the current management of hernia. Chirurg 2002; 73: 1105-1108.
  2. Dunne JR. Abdominal wall hernias: risk factors for infection and resource utilization. Journal of Surgical Research 2003; 111: 78-84.
  3. Bosshardt TL. Outcomes of ostomy procedures in patients aged 70 years and older. Archives of Surgery 2003; 138: 1077-1082.
  4. Perez JAA. Emergency hernia repairs in elderly patients. International Surgery 2003; 88: 231-237.
  5. Holzheimer RG. Inguinal hernia: Classification, diagnosis and treatment classic, traumatic and sportsmans’s hernia. European Journal of Medical Research 2005; 10: 121-134.
  6. Park AE. Abdominal wall hernia. Currents Problems in Surgery 2006; 43: doi:10.1067/j.cpsurg.2006.02.003.
  7. Neary WD. Lessons learned from a randomised controlled study of perioperative beta blockade in high risk patients undergoing emergency surgery. Surgeon – Journal of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Ireland 2006; 4: 139-143.
  8. Jamadar DA. Sonography of inguinal region hernias. American Journal of Roentgenology 2006; 187: 185-190.
  9. Mathonnet M. Indications for inguinal hernia repair. Journal de Chirurgie 2007;144(Suppl.4):S11-S14.
  10. Leubner KD. SID=X1Dj@iCcamKhK4E5pak&page=1&;doc=3″>What is the risk of bowel strangulation in an adult with an untreated inguinal hernia? Journal of Family Practice 2007;56:1039-1041.
  11. Testini M. SID=X1Dj@iCcamKhK4E5pak&page=1&;doc=2″>Massive mesenteric ischemia resulting from a giant strangulated umbilical hernia. International Surgery 2007;92:296-299.
  12. Turner PL. SID=X1Dj@iCcamKhK4E5pak&page=1&;doc=1″>Laparoscopic repair of ventral incisional hernias: pros and cons. Surgical Clinics of North America 2008;88:85-

 C.15- Mehmet Ungan, Hakan Kulacoglu, Burcak Kayhan. Cure rates obtained with five different protocols in patients with duodenal ulcer: a prospective, open-label, randomized study in a primary care setting in Turkey. Current Therapeutic Research 2001;6: 462-472.

Atıf sayısı: 1

  • Gisbert JP. Systematic review and meta-analysis: proton pump inhibitor vs. ranitidine bismuth citrate plus two antibiotics in Helicobacter pylori eradication. Helicobacter 2005; 10: 157-171.

C.17- Wheeler JM, Warren BF, Mortensen NJ, Ekanyaka N, Kulacoglu H, Jonez AC, George BD, Kettlewell MG. Quantification of histologic regression of rectal cancer after irradiation: a proposal for a modified staging system. Disease of Colon and Rectum 2002;45:1051-1056.

Atıf sayısı: 40  (ISI Web of Science 1 kayıt için açık künye veremiyor. Belgesi eklidir.)

  1. Luppi G. Preoperative concomitant radiotherapy and chemotherapy in ultrasound-staged T3 and T4 rectal cancer. Tumori 2003; 89: 152-156.
  2. Wheeler JMD. Re: Scott. Radiotherapy and rectal cancer. Journal of Pathology 2003; 200: 272.
  3. Trodella L. Neoadjuvant concurrent radiochemotherapy in locally advanced (IIIA-IIIB) non-small-cell lung cancer: long-term results according to downstaging. Annals of Oncology 2004; 15: 389-398.
  4. Jouret-Mourin A. Recommendations for pathological examination and reporting for colorectal cancer – Belgian consensus. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica 2004; 67: 40-44.
  5. Gambacorta MA. Chemoradiation with raltitrexed (Tomudex) in preoperative treatmnet of stage II-III resectable rectal cancer: a phase II study. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2004; 60: 130-138.
  6. Wheeler JMD. Preoperative chemoradiotherapy and total mesorectal excision surgery for locally advanced rectal cancer: correlation with rectal cancer regression grade. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 2005; 47: 2025-2031.
  7. Rullier A. Impact of colloid response on survival after preoperative radiotherapy in locally advanced rectal carcinoma. American Journal of Surgical Pathology 2005; 29: 602-606.
  8. Box B. Neoadjuvant therapy for rectal cancer: improved tumor response, local recurrence, and overall survival in nonanemic patients. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 2005; 48: 1153-1160.
  9. Lopez-Crapez E. P53 status and response to radiotherapy in rectal cancer: a prospective multilevel analtsis. British Journal of Cancer 2005; 92: 2114-2121.
  10. Vecchio FM. The relationship of pathologic tumor regression grade (TGR) and outcomes after preoperative therapy in rectal cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2005; 62: 752-760.
  11. Vironen J. Tumour regression grading in the evaluation of tumour response after different preoperative radiotherapy treatment for rectal carcinoma. International Journal of Colorectal Disesase 2005; 20: 440-445.
  12. Ryan R. Pathological response following long-course neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer. Histopathology 2005; 47: 141-146.
  13. Beresford M. The reliability of lymph-node staging in rectal cancer after preoperative chemoradiotherapy. Clinical Oncology 2005; 17: 448-455.
  14. Gavioli M. Incidence and clinical impact of sterilized disease and minimal residual disease after preoperative chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 2005; 48: 1851-1857.
  15. Machiels JP. Phase II study of preoperative oxaliplatin, capecitabine and external beam radiotherapy in patients with rectal cancer: the RadiOxCape study. Annals of Oncology 2005; 16: 1898-1905.
  16. Rodel C. Prognostic significance of tumor regression after preoperative chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2005; 23: 8688-8696.
  17. Valentini V. Radiotherapy in rectal cancer: technical aspects and regimens. EJC Supplements 2005; 3: 373-388.
  18. Machiels JP. What is the best way to predict disease-free survival after preoperative radio chemotherapy for rectal cancer patients: tumor regression grading, nodal status, or circumferential resection margin invasion? Journal of Clinical Oncology 2006; 24: 1319.
  19. Sengul N. Effects of radiotherapy on different histopathological types of rectal carcinoma. Colorectal Disease 20006; 8: 283-288.
  20. Benzoni E. Prognostic value of tumour regression grading and depth of neoplastic infiltration within the perirectal fat after combined neoadjuvant chemo-raditherapy and surgery for rectal cancer. Journal of Clinical Pathology 2006; 59: 505-512.
  21. Wu XY. Growth hormone receptor overexpression predicts response of rectal cancers to pre-operative radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer 2006; 42: 888-894.
  22. Glynne-Jones, R. Alternative clinical end points in rectal cancer – are we getting closer? Annals of Oncology 2006;17:1239-1248.
  23. Losi, L. Prognostic value of Dworak grade of regression (GR) in patients with rectal carcinoma treated with preoperative radiochemotherapy. International Journal of Colorectal Disease 2006;21:645-651.
  24. Benzoni, E. Instrumental clinical restaging, pathological evaluation, and tumor regression grading: how to assess the response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer. International Journal of Colorectal Disease 2007;22:7-13.
  25. Cervantes, A. A multimodality approach to localized rectal cancer. Annals of Oncology 2007;17(Suppl 10):X129-X134.
  26. Kim, NK. A comparative study of volumetric analysis, histopathologic downstaging, and tumor regression grade in evaluating tumor response in locally advanced rectal cancer following preoperative chemoradiation. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2007;67:204-210.
  27. Liszka, L. Usefulness of two independent histopathological classifications of tumor regression in patients with rectal cancer submitted to hyperfractionated pre-operative radiotherapy. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2007;13:515-524.
  28. Ghouti, L. Surgical treatment of recurrent locoregional rectal cancer. Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique 2007;31:55-67.
  29. Machiels JP. Phase I/II study of preoperative cetuximab, capecitabine, and external beam radiotherapy in patients with rectal cancer. Annals of Oncology 2007;18:738-744.
  30. Rullie A. What quality criteria are important for surgical excision of rectal cancer? Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique 2007;31(Sp.Iss.1):34+
  31. Stewart CJR. Mucosal endocrine cell micronests and single endocrine cells following neo-adjuvant therapy for adenocarcinoma of the distal oesophagus and oesophagogastric junction . Journal of Clinical Pathology 2007;60:1284-1289.
  32. Gosens MJEM. Circumferential margin involvement is the crucial prognostic factor after multimodality treatment in patients with locally advanced rectal carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2007;13:6617-6623.
  33. Treanor D. Pathology of colorectal cancer. Clinical Oncology 2007;19:769-776.   
  34. Tytherleigh MG. Preoperative staging of rectal cancer by magnetic resonance imaging remains an imprecise tool. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2008;78:194-198.
  35. Quah HM. Pathologic stage is most prognostic of disease-free survival in locally advanced rectal cancer patients after preoperative chemoradiation. Cancer 2008;113:57-64.
  36. Rosenthal DI. Phase I study of preoperative radiation therapy with concurrent infusional 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin followed by surgery and postoperative 5-fluorouracil plus leucovorin for T3/T4 rectal adenocarcinoma: ECOG E1297. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2008;72:108-113.
  37. Xu G. Effect of tumor infiltrating lymphocyte on local control of rectal cancer after preoperative radiotherapy. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research   2008:20;222-229.
  38. Priego P. Multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of rectal cancer: the benefits of neoadjuvanttherapy. Revista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas 2008:100:393-399.
  39. Cervantes A. Progress in the multidisciplinary treatment of gastrointestinal cancer and the impact on clinical practice: perioperative management of rectal cancer. Annals of Oncology 2008;19:266-272.
  40. (ISI Web of Science listeliyor; fakat açık künye veremiyor: Belgesi eklidir.)


C.19- Kulah B, Besler HT, Akdag M, Oruc T, Altınok G, Kulacoglu H, Ozmen MM, Coskun F. The effects of verapamil vs. allorurinol on intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2004; 51: 401-407.

Atıf sayısı: 3

  1. 1.Isik N. Effect of allopurinol in focal cerebral ischemnia in rats: an experimental study. Surgical Neurology 2005; 64: 5-10 Suppl.
  2. 2.Pacher P. Therapeutic effects of xantine oxidase inhibitors: renaissance half a century after the discovery of allopurinol. Pharmacological Reviews 2006; 58: 87-114.
  1. Sasaki M. Oxidative stress and ischemia-reperfusion injury in gastrointestinal tract and antioxidant, protective agents. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition 2007;40:1-12.


 C.29- Ozdogan M, Gurer A, Gokakin AK, Kulacoglu H, Aydin R. Thrombolysis via an operatively placed mesenteric catheter for portal and superior mesenteric vein thrombosis: report of a case.

Atıf sayısı: 3

  1. Dobrinja C. Idiopathic mesenteric venous thrombosis: report of a case. Journal des Maladies Vasculaires   2008;33:96-100.
  2. Mesina C. Acute mesenteric ischemia. Chirurgia 2008;103:385-394.
  3. Acosta S. Epidemiology, risk and prognostic factors in mesenteric venous thrombosis. British Journal of Surgery 2008;95:1245-1251.


 D.2- SCI kapsamındaki dergilerde yayınlanmış yazıların, Medline (Index Medicus) kapsamında fakat SCI’ye dahil olmayan dergilerdeki yayınlardan aldığı atıflar:


 “Toplam 6  yayına toplam  11 atıf

 C.2- K.S. Mainprize, H. Kulaçoglu, J. Hewavisinthe, A. Savage, N. Mortensen, B.F. Warren. How many lymph nodes to stage colorectal carcinoma? [published erratum appears in Journal of Clinical Pathology 1999; 52:630]. J Clin Pathol 1998; 51: 165-166.

Atıf sayısı: 1

  1. 1.Gandy CP. Intra-operative injection of patent blue V dye to facilitate nodal staging in colorectal cancer. Colorectal Disease 2002; 4: 447-449.

 C.6- I. Hakan Kulacoglu. Small bowel obstruction and incisional hernia after laparoscopic surgery: Should 5-mm trocar sites be sutured? [Letter] Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques 2000; 10: 227-8.

Atıf sayısı: 1

  1. Reis ED. Management and prevention of trocar-induced hernia in laparoscopic surgery. Contemporary Surgery 2002; 58: 401-406.

 C.12- Bahadır Kulah, Hakan Kulacoglu, Tahir Oruc, Arife Polat-Duzgun, Munevver Moran, Mahir Ozmen, Faruk Coskun. Presentation and outcome of incarcerated external hernias in adults. American Journal of Surgery 2001;181:101-104.

Atıf sayısı: 2

  1. Labbe E. Hernias complicadas: estudio retrospectivo de 369 casos. Clinica y Ciencia 2002:1:43-45
  2. Saggar VR. Endoscopic totally extraperitoneal repair of incarcerated inguinal hernia. Hernia 2005; 9: 120-124.
  3. Alvarez JA. Incarcerated groin hernias in adults: presentation and outcome. Hernia 2004; 8: 121-126.


 C.14- Bahadır Kulah, Arife Polat-Duzgun, Munevver Moran, Hakan Kulacoglu, Mahir Ozmen, Faruk Coskun. Emergency hernia repairs in elderly patients. American Journal of Surgery 2001;182: 455-459.

Atıf sayısı: 5

  1. Labbe E. Hernias complicadas: estudio retrospectivo de 369 casos. Clinica y Ciencia 2002:1:43-45
  2. Ciga MA. Should hernia operations be carried out on elderly patients? Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra 2003; 26: 237-242.
  3. Ohana G. Inguinal hernia: challenging the traditional indication for surgery in asymptomatic patients. Hernia 2004; 8: 117-120.
  4. Alvarez JA. Incarcerated groin hernias in adults: presentation and outcome. Hernia 2004; 8: 121-126.
  5. Alvarez JA. Incarcerated external hernias in octogenarian patients. Cirúgia Española 2004; 75: 129-134.
  6. Ciga MA. Prospective study of complications of hernia repair according to age. Cirúgia Española 2004; 75: 204-206.


 C.17- Wheeler JM, Warren BF, Mortensen NJ, Ekanyaka N, Kulacoglu H, Jonez AC, George BD, Kettlewell MG. Quantification of histologic regression of rectal cancer after irradiation: a proposal for a modified staging system. Disease of Colon and Rectum 2002;45:1051-1056.

Atıf sayısı: 1

  1. Miguel JC. Locoregional recurrence in rectal cancer. Cirúgia Española 2003; 73: 63-67.

 C.29- Ozdogan M, Gurer A, Gokakin AK, Kulacoglu H, Aydin R. Thrombolysis via an operatively placed mesenteric catheter for portal and superior mesenteric vein thrombosis: report of a case.

Atıf sayısı: 1

Schellhammer H. Surgical Access to ejunal veins for local thrombolysis and stent placement in portal vein thrombosis. Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology 2008;31:S185-S187.

 D.3- SCI kapsamındaki dergilerde yayınlanmış yazıların, SCI veya Index Medicus’a  dahil olmayan dergilerdeki yayınlardan aldığı atıflar:

 “Toplam  5 yayına toplam  8 atıf

 C.6- I. Hakan Kulacoglu. Small bowel obstruction and incisional hernia after laparoscopic surgery: Should 5-mm trocar sites be sutured? [Letter] Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques 2000; 10: 227-8.

Atıf sayısı: 1

  1. Cervantes J. Hernias en orificios de trocares utilizados en cirugia laparoscopica: presentacion de casos. Asociation Mexicana de Cirugi Endoscopica 2003; 4: 100-104.

 C.12- Bahadır Kulah, Hakan Kulacoglu, Tahir Oruc, Arife Polat-Duzgun, Munevver Moran, Mahir Ozmen, Faruk Coskun. Presentation and outcome of incarcerated external hernias in adults. American Journal of Surgery 2001;181:101-104.

Atıf sayısı: 2

  1. Abbas MH. Outcome of strangulated inguinal hernia. Pak J Med Sci 2005; 21: 445-450.
  2. Jain M. Irreducible inguinal hernia with appendice epiploicae in the sac. Journal of Minimal Access Surgery 2008;4:85-87.

 C.14- Bahadır Kulah, Arife Polat-Duzgun, Munevver Moran, Hakan Kulacoglu, Mahir Ozmen, Faruk Coskun. Emergency hernia repairs in elderly patients. American Journal of Surgery 2001;182: 455-459.

Atıf sayısı: 3

  1. Abbas MH. Outcome of strangulated inguinal hernia. Pak J Med Sci 2005; 21: 445-450.
  2. Dieng M. Les hernies etranglees de l’aine de l’adulte : une serie de 228 observations. [Strangulated groin hernias in adults: a survey of 228 cases]. Mali Medical XXIII N°1: 12-16.
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C.16- M.Tahir Oruç, I.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Selim Hatipoğlu, Bahadır Külah, M.Mahir Özmen, Faruk Coşkun. Primary hydatid cyst of the pancreas related to main pancreatic duct. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2002;49: 383-384.

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 C.17- Wheeler JM, Warren BF, Mortensen NJ, Ekanyaka N, Kulacoglu H, Jonez AC, George BD, Kettlewell MG. Quantification of histologic regression of rectal cancer after irradiation: a proposal for a modified staging system. Disease of Colon and Rectum 2002;45:1051-1056.

Atıf sayısı: 1

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 D.4- Medline (Index Medicus) kapsamında fakat SCI’ye dahil olmayan dergilerdeki yayınların SCI kapsamındaki dergilerdeki yayınlardan aldığı atıflar: 

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 C.21- Mehmet Özdoğan, Eren Ersoy, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Devay AO, Gündoğdu H. A case report of primary retroperitoneal hydatid cyst [Letter] Turk J Gastroenterol 2004; 15: 204-205.

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1. Aydinli B. Extravisceral primary hydatid cyst of the retroperitoneum.  ANZ Journal of Surgery 2007;77:455-459.

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 C.5– Hakan Kulaçoglu, Cenap Dener, Ipek Zıraman, Nuri Aydın Kama. Thyroxine prophylaxis after bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy for multinodular goiter. Endocrine Journal 2000; 47: 349-352.

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  1. Lankarani M. Hypothyroidism following thyroid surgery. Acta Medica Iranica 2008;46:225-232.

C.9- Hakan Kulacoglu, Bahadır Kulah, Selim Hatipoglu, Faruk Coskun. Incarcerated direct inguinal hernias: three-year experience of a large volume training hospital. Hernia 2000; 4: 145-157.

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  1. Alvarez JA. Incarcerated groin hernias in adults: presentation and outcome. Hernia 2004; 8: 121-126.

 C.21- Kulacoglu H, Kocaerkek Z, Moran M, Kulah B, Atay C, Kulacoglu S, Ozmen M, Coskun F. Diagnostic value of blood D-dimer level in acute mesenteric ischaemia in the rat: an experimental study. Asian J Surg 2005; 28:131-135.

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  1. Chang RW. Update in management of mesenteric ischemia. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2006; 12: 3243-3247.


C.22- Kulacoglu H, Tumer H, Aktimur R, Kusdemir A. Epiploic appendicitis in inguinal hernia sac presenting an inguinal mass. Hernia 2005; 9:288-290.  

Atıf sayısı: 2  (ISI Web of Science listeliyor; fakat açık künye veremiyor: Belgesi eklidir.)


 D.6- Medline (Index Medicus) kapsamında fakat SCI’ye dahil olmayan dergilerdeki yayınların SCI ve Index Medicus’a dahil olmayan dergilerde yayınlanmış yazılarından aldığı atıflar:

 “Toplam 6  yayına toplam  7 atıf

 C.7- I.Hakan Kulaçoglu, M.Tahir Oruç, Bahadır Külah, Münevver Moran, Arife Düzgün-Polat, Banu Doğan-Gün, Turan Turhan, Nurten Renda, Faruk Coşkun. Safety of colonic anastomosis following portal triad occlusion. International Journal of Surgical Investigation 2000; 2: 259-266.

Atıf sayısı: 1 (ISI Web of Science listeliyor; fakat açık künye veremiyor: Belgesi eklidir.)

C.9- Hakan Kulacoglu, Bahadır Kulah, Selim Hatipoglu, Faruk Coskun. Incarcerated direct inguinal hernias: three-year experience of a large volume training hospital. Hernia 2000; 4: 145-157.

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  1. Awad ZT. Direct inguinal hernia strangulating through the superficial internal ring. Irish Medical Journal 2001; 94: 313.

  C.16- M.Tahir Oruç, I.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Selim Hatipoğlu, Bahadır Külah, M.Mahir Özmen, Faruk Coşkun. Primary hydatid cyst of the pancreas related to main pancreatic duct. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2002;49: 383-384.

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  1. Ozmen MM. Recurrent pancreatitis due to a hydatid cyst of the pancreatic head: a case report and review of the literature. Journal of the Pancreas 2005; 6: 354-358.


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1. Jain M. Irreducible inguinal hernia with appendice epiploicae in the sac. Journal of Minimal Access Surgery 2008;4:85-87.

 C.24- Gurer A, Ozdogan M, Ozlem N, Yildirim A, Kulacoglu H, Aydin R. Uncommon content in groin hernia site. Hernia 2006; 10:152-155.

Atıf sayısı: 2

  1. Dieng M. Les hernies etranglees de l’aine de l’adulte : une serie de 228 observations. [Strangulated groin hernias in adults: a survey of 228 cases]. Mali Medical XXIII N°1: 12-16.
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C.28- Ozdogan M, Yildiz F, Gurer A, Orhun S, Kulacoglu H, Aydin R. Changes in collagen and elastic fiber contents of the skin, rectus sheath, transversalis fascia and peritoneum in primary inguinal hernia patients. Bratisl Lek Listy 2006; 107: 235-238.

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B.7. İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Levent Meriç, Salih Çetinkurşun, Cahit Ertuna. Epidural anestezi sonrasında üriner retansiyon sıklığı. Klinik ve Deneysel Cerrahi Dergisi 1995; 3: 170-174.

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1. (ISI Web of Science listeliyor; fakat açık künye veremiyor: Belgesi eklidir.)



 D.8- Kitap bölümünde atıf

Toplam 2  yayına toplam  4 atıf

 C.14- Bahadır Kulah, Arife Polat-Duzgun, Munevver Moran, Hakan Kulacoglu, Mahir Ozmen, Faruk Coskun. Emergency hernia repairs in elderly patients. American Journal of Surgery 2001;182: 455-459.

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 C.12- Bahadır Kulah, Hakan Kulacoglu, Tahir Oruc, Arife Polat-Duzgun, Munevver Moran, Mahir Ozmen, Faruk Coskun. Presentation and outcome of incarcerated external hernias in adults. American Journal of Surgery 2001;181:101-104.

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  B.19– İ.Hakan Kulaçoğlu, Arife Polat, Münevver Moran, Rıza Gök, Faruk Coşkun. İleri yaş grubunda elektif inguinal herni onarımı. Geriatri 2000; 3: 64-68.

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 C.17- Wheeler JM, Warren BF, Mortensen NJ, Ekanyaka N, Kulacoglu H, Jonez AC, George BD, Kettlewell MG. Quantification of histologic regression of rectal cancer after irradiation: a proposal for a modified staging system. Disease of Colon and Rectum 2002;45:1051-1056.

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